أضف لقائمة الرغبات

Amelia Roma Double Layer Necklace 18K Yellow Gold With Turquoise Blue Mother of Pearl

التفاصيل والوصف

This Necklace offers multiple wearability and is everyday jewellery at its best. The layered chains give a trendy stacking effect without the hassle. Set in 18K Yellow gold with the Amelia Coliseum Inspired Motif grooved and filled with colourful mother of pearl. to make this piece even more of a staple the necklace is two sided and can be worn on either side to feature different colour combinations.
المزيد من المعلومات
العلامة التجارية أميليا
المنتجات قلادات
لون الذهب أصفر
القياسات 41 to 43cm
نقاوة المعدن 18k
سعر خاص ١٣٧٫٠٠٤ OMR السعر العادي ٢٧٤٫٠٠٠ OMR 50% OFF
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Amelia is named after Amelia Earhart who was an inspirational figure who broke boundaries with her mastery in aviation and undeniable bravery. She changed the course of history with great ambition and accomplishing the pursuit of travel. This collection pays tribute to a legend and captures the essence of cities across the world- a souvenir for the explorer in you. This Edition 'Amelia Roma' is inspired by one of the world most marvellous cities and one of its most magnificent monument the colosseum. The motif features a pattern that mimics the architectural lines of the colosseum on a bed of coloured mother of pearl adding vibrancy and ethnicity to the design and mesmerizing contrast with the 18K yellow gold. some of the designs also feature variously coloured sides to offer the wearer multiple styling and wearability.
تسوق اميليا روما


هذا الإصدار "أميليا روما" مستوحى من واحدة من أروع مدن العالم في المعالم الأثرية والكولوسيوم. تتميز الزخارف بنمط يحاكي الخطوط المعمارية والهندسية للكولوسيوم تمتد على مهد من عرق اللؤلؤ الملون مما يضفي حيوية وعراقة على التصميم وتضيف تباينًا ساحرً مع الذهب الأصفر عيار 18 قيراط.

داماس للمجوهرات 2022