أضف لقائمة الرغبات

STEPWELLS Diamond Ring

غير متوفر بالمخزن

التفاصيل والوصف

Inspired by the deep-rooted traditions & timeless Architecture in India. In 14th century, mostly in the northwest part of India, there were reservoirs to collect ground waters. The most common part of these reservoirs were the series of steps leading down to the ground level where the water is stored.
المزيد من المعلومات
العلامة التجارية ستيبويلز
الماس 0.055 Ct
المنتجات خواتم
لون الذهب أصفر
نقاء الماس SI
لون الماس G-H
صقل الماس RB
القياسات 15
نقاوة المعدن 18k
٢١٤٫٠٠٠ OMR
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Inspired by the deep-rooted traditions & timeless Architecture in India. In 14th century, mostly in the northwest part of India, there were reservoirs to collect ground waters. The most common part of these reservoirs were the series of steps leading down to the ground level where the water is stored.
داماس للمجوهرات 2022