Mother's Day Gifting

The curated Mother’s Day selection is crafted from our most popular collections, ensuring that, whichever way you decide to go, you make the right choice. Jewellery is a gift that lasts a lifetime—a time capsule of celebrated memories. It's a gift that is forever loved and cherished, just like Mom.

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Shopping Options
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  1. 0 KWD - 100 KWD 35 items
  2. 100 KWD - 200 KWD 18 items
  3. 200 KWD - 300 KWD 56 items
  4. 300 KWD - 400 KWD 53 items
  5. 400 KWD - 500 KWD 53 items
  6. 500 KWD - 600 KWD 27 items
  7. 600 KWD - 700 KWD 22 items
  8. 700 KWD - 800 KWD 11 items
  9. 800 KWD - 900 KWD 8 items
  10. 900 KWD - 2,439 KWD 31 items
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Metal color
Metal color
per page
  1. Alif Alif Yellow Gold Bangle
    As low as 853 KWD
    As low as 853 KWD
  2. Dome Dome Noble Lapis Lazuli Ring
    As low as 301 KWD
    As low as 301 KWD
per page
© Damas Jewellery 2022